This is the second quest after you fill the bone chip orb all the way to the top, Qeynos side. I don't wish to do a write up of the evil side, but if you can't figure it out, I'm sure I could go back through with another of my alts and do it.
1. You must first complete at least 1 turn in of the Bone Chips Ahoy quest.
2. You speak to Harbringer blady blah can't remember his name, he offers the quest, he tells you to speak with someone that has seen something.
3. Find a dwarf pilgrim sitting on a rug right nearby the warden/fury Trainer next to the pool in the Temple of Life
4. The pilgrim asks for some tea to talk and calm his nerves
5. Head over to the Bakery and buy Calming Chamomile Tea from Baker Voleen
6. Take the tea back to the Dwarf pilgrim and he will begin to speak to you about seeing someone leave the Temple of Life. He then sends you to find someone that has heard or seen anything.
7. The first stop is the bakery, Baker Voleen again in North Qeynos. He bought a lot of food and ran off
8. Second stop is The stablehand in South qeynos, he bought a horse and fled quickly
9. The third stop is the Scribe Bog in the Tradeskill building in North Qeynos.
10. Bog asks you go fill his inkwells so he can create a map from memory of what the man brought to him
11. Go out and collect 8 Ink sacks from Coldwind Octopi and bring them back to Bog
12. You are given a map from Bog that shows you to go to Enchanted Lands
13. You walk onto the dock infront of the alter and the quest updates you then get red text telling you to head west along the beach
14. Head west along the beach following the red text until you come to the wall next to Sir tatters.
15. Head up the wall a little ways past him and there's a small camp, this should update your quest again and tell you to keep going north
16. Once you reach the Lazy Drain water way more red text will pop up and tell you to go east along the water...
17. Go east up the river through the bears if they're of your level OR go back to the docks and follow the path to the small bridge that leads up to the Rivervale zone
18. The dead acololyte is under the bridge, target him and you'll get a quest update and a note
19. The note tells you to find an item in the storm reapers this point you will need to speak the Stout language
20. Head up the Lazy Drain to the Tagglefoot Farms
21. At the Tagglefoot farms you'll see Jubs inside the House, he gives you a sub quest to pick up some carrots, the carrots can be found in his field, but watch out for the scarecrows!
22. After you collect the carrots you need to go gather up 3 of his startled ponys just off behind the farm
23. Return to Jubs and he updates your main quest and asks that you head back to the Temple of Life in North Qeynos and speak with the Harbringer
24. The harbringer asks that you go to Gorowyn and check out what's going on over there...there's a portal to goro right behind him in the temple
25. Once in goro you need to speak with someone that i forget the name...but he is up over on the beach in the tall tower, you'll see the dot on your map as you get closer
26. He sends you off to see someone else! Lots of running :P This person is back on the other side of the docks...
27. This person sends you to the Breeding Pools at the top of Goro entrance, you'll need to run around until you find a guy walking through that you must follow and he will eventually attack you, kill him
28. Loot him and pick up the robe and your quest will update, you must then put on the robe and go over to see Evodika next to the bertox altar...speak to the mousey, he/she sends you to
29. Antonica Catacombs, over near the Oracle Gryph station, head on into the catacombs which will have no mobs up and find..i forgot the loc right now...but the south east area there is a bag on the floor you pick up
30. The quest updates and sends you to Eldar Grove off of NQ. The npc you seek is near the QH zone surrounded by little saplings
31. He gives you a sub quest to go pick up seeds in SS, CL and Zek
32. Sinking sands seed is off to the right of the docks along the zone wall just inside the grass, they look like a big round catus
33. CL is right next to the Nek gryph tower along the zone wall, you should see them from the tower
34. Zek is just outside the gates past the wood spikes just becareful of the orcs
35. head back to the npc in Eldar grove and turn in the quest, it will update the main quest and send you again to sinking sands
36. Head to the carpet and click on the "discarted carpet" next to the normal one on the ground and fly to where it drops you off..
37. Once you land, follow the sand out to the giant rock in front of you, there's a dead body on the it and the quest updates again
38. Run back up the sand to the carpet and fly back to the docks and head back to Goro and speak with Evodika again (wear the robe)
39. Evodika sends you to Gfay next, you'll want to go to the spires or steamfont mountains zone line to the camp there with the little fairy and her quest feather
40. Another subquest! This one has you find a dead adept, the closest one to you is over by the nursery, head over!
41. Click on the dead adept and quest updates and sends you back to the fairy by steamfont zoneline
42. She sends you to maj'dul! yay use that new carpet in kelethin!
43. Once inside maj'dul there's a woman next to the temple on your right, Salyil, speak with her it updates your quest and sends you to the commonlands
44. head to the Cl Crossroads sneak your way into them and talk to the quest npc inside there who sends you to the Dog Pond
45. At the dog pond jump into the water and wait for the npc to come out and follow her down to the tower where she will split and attack you (kinda like the one in goro) kill her and loot the rune which will update your quest.....again
46. head into the graveyard zone just into the right there's a crypt, go down the steps and click on the door handle
47. Once inside kill the 2 vases and the skelly that pops and then at the back of the crypt there is a clicky hand tool item on a coffin that you pick up and it's another rune, will update your quest
48. Return to North qeynos to the temple again
49. Get pretties!!
50. Head to the down below at -85, -0, 140 and you'll find a prison looking place with a clicky on the door. Head into the crypt and once you are inside click on the rune inside your bag that turns you invis (you should have two items it's the bigger rock looking one)
51. Once invis (you'll look red) head over to the npcs down a ways in the crypt once you get to them you'll see a chat bubble to contine them talking get a safe distance away and clicky away
52. Half way through this you'll be seen and be attacked, if you stick far enough away you won't get them all at once only about half or so, they aren't too tough. Kill them.
53. After all the mobs are dead there will be an amulet on the floor, click it and enjoy...or not
54. you'll have an "out of body experience" i crashed here so i dunno what exactly it is you do, but you'll end up back outside
55. head back to north qeynos again to the temple and speak with the harbringer
56. get pretties!!
57. He sends you to South qeynos next to the mage tower to speak with Visra who you turn in your last quest to
58. get pretties
59. DONE!
60. Omg there was close to 60 steps!!!!!