Her house is nothing fancy at all, just items my own carpenter(60 now, yay!) has made me while skilling up as well as from quests and events. The basement is actually closed off to all as it's just a giant mess! My item count look so high, but really I swear it's the items tossed into the basement!
This is a work in process so please, don't judge too harshly!
To the right and left of the door as you enter.

The Front room looking down on it. (Was a bad picture, woops!)

Leading into my Dining area and kitchen (Still a WIP, actually have moved it around some since coming back and editing it. Will post pictures when I finish cleaning it up.)

Where my little Fae likes to sneak in and make all her yummy pastries!

The table and rest of the room (And again more bad photo's with my big head in it!)
The Front room looking down on it. (Was a bad picture, woops!)

Leading into my Dining area and kitchen (Still a WIP, actually have moved it around some since coming back and editing it. Will post pictures when I finish cleaning it up.)

Where my little Fae likes to sneak in and make all her yummy pastries!

Heading upstairs....and the Master Bedroom!

Just inside the door...

Looking at both sides of the room.

The bed! :D

Back out into the hallway at the top of the stairs and a tiny set of stairs leading up to her small study.

Looking over the study and back at the stairs

The huge library of books! (Okay, not huge, but big!) and a small sitting area to read.

Headed back down the hall to the Trophy room and stairs leading up to the attic.

This is a huge mess too...still not quite sure how to fix it up, I want better shelves!

The attic...start of a garden/who knows what!
Thanks for looking!