House Pretties
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Housing Wish List
Trying to update the list that's on the forums since it's like 40 pages long, not updated for a year and some since have been added to the game.
Originally added by Katsi (Thank you for permission to fix up the thread!)
This is not a Bug thread, but rather a Wish List for new or updated items to be added for our decorating escapades!
My personal thought on these is that while we wish some of these added to the game year around, that some also be added to guide quests, holiday or other world game events.
Floor/Wall/Ceiling options
Originally added by Katsi (Thank you for permission to fix up the thread!)
This is not a Bug thread, but rather a Wish List for new or updated items to be added for our decorating escapades!
My personal thought on these is that while we wish some of these added to the game year around, that some also be added to guide quests, holiday or other world game events.
Floor/Wall/Ceiling options
- Maybe make Q and F options available for both/all cities?
- Multiple colors, not just brown and gray
- See post: Dear Dev's Qeynos Homes vs. Freeport Homes for discussion
- Walls that can be painted colors
- paint, wallpaper and carpeting
- Ability to change walls and ceilings in Q 5 room basements
- Neriak, Kelethin, Gorowyn Wall choices
/House Item Collection Window
- To show which items on the list show towards your count with a number or x
House Item Limits (as if you didn’t expect this one! Please note, this keeps getting requested.)
- Increase in house item limits
- or make all quested &/or no status items not count towards the house limit (Getting there on this one!)
- Larger homes (More money or status, who cares! We need more rooms!)
Housing Options
- Additional housing options in the starting zones of Qeynos and Freeport
- Ability to sell or give entire house and furnishings, with existing furnishings set up, to others
- Ability to hire out as decorator (ex. Decorator status like Vistior/friend)
- True co-ownership: let others (specifically the same account) access owner's broker (to let the adventure character add stuff to the broker character's broker listings) to help with broker shuffle. To let husbands and wives (ect) share ownership so the window pops up for them like it were there own.
- The ability to mark sales crates for what's inside (Misc, Tradeskill, rares...ect)
- The ability to rotate items on all 3 axis. The amount of versatility this would add would be huge! Things like placing books flat on the table/floor, placing bookcases on their backs for a ceiling or on their fronts for a floor, etc, etc.
- Large Houses in Freeport and Qeynos that do not require Status (Smaller perhaps?)
- The ability to Lock items in place so you don't accidently pick up while decorating a large area
Item Usability (Another one often requested)
- Ability to use furniture, such as lay in the beds and sit in the chairs
- Ability to turn item features off, such as the pop-up zombie
- Eating and drinking emotes
New house structure
- Windows in Kelethin Acorns (Asked often)
- Staircases as seen in many houses around norrath (Spiral, small, ect.)
- Building Blocks (see post: Please give us building blocks! for discussion)
- Solid iron bars building blocks
- Solid planks building blocks
- A plain dark rectangular chest (no hinges / lock, for using as a 'brick'
- Walls, floors, and stairs for creating extra rooms, lofts and such
- Windows to increase lighting without adding light fixtures
- Windows with views you can choose, such as other zones
- The ability to add/remove windows
- The ability to add/remove doors and doorways.
- Different colors. Wood / Dark Wood / Metal / Sandstone / Fabric ... etc ..
- Make sure the building blocks have geometry so items can be placed on them.
- In game building block ideas: Tile close-up Tile large view Walls and windows
- Roof top outdoor area for Q 5 room house in place of attic in some houses.
- Better houses built for smaller races
- Larger Maj'Dul Houses
- Housing option inside Village of Shin
- More Furniture
- Different styles of furniture
- More quested furniture
- More dark colored furniture
- Smoother and straighter basic furniture
- Different styles of beds
- More pillows
- Changable sheets on the beds
- Bedspreads
- Ability to pick bedding other than what it comes with
- More pillows
- Bed options
- Make bed look unmade and messy
- Quilts
- Knitted covers
- Loomed crafted sheets
- Change existing bedding colors
Bookcases and Books
- Containers to hold books, but still allow them to be read by visitors
- Bookends
- New or different look books, both stacks and normal books just more coloring or pictures. Many sized books
- Row books (Stacks sat side by side)
- More bookcases like the large redwood bookshelf
- Messy Book stacks
Carpets and Rugs
- More variety of rug designs
- Ability to use non-HQ armor and shields in house, especially pieces from difficult quests or rare drops
- Closet to store the fancy outfits, tailor made and status merchant bought
- The ability to add Curtains to our wall or more designs of them instead of only one with skulls (Doesn't look so good in a good house!)
Furniture sets
- Expand/complete the warped oak furniture set
- Gnome/halfling sized furniture (the stuff around Rivervale for example)
- Please make more evil / freeport specific furniture, or suited to the roll play of evil classes.
- Bedroom sets: bed, nightstand, lamp statue
- Tavern sets: bar, stool/chair, keg, shelf with jugs, bottles & glasses, large mirror
Furniture Theme Sets: (Some of these are existing, but shown in the list as examples)
- Kelethin: woodsy treetop furniture and tapestries, Fae furniture
- Crushbone: rugged objects, for larger races
- New Tunarian: Elevn features & hovering lights
- Gnomeland Security: Gnomish furniture in shapes of sprockets & clockworks
- Mistmore: couch/chaise, chairs, upholstery, coffee tables
- Kaladim: Solid Dwarven features, gem scones
- Stormhold: Existing - T6 Ironwood set
- Mara (Fallen Dynasty): Existing - quest rewards. More (quantity and pieces) would be nice
- Nektropos Castle: Existing - guilded ironwood set, warped tables & beds. Please add game room items
- Temple of Solusek Ro: Existing - cobalt set
- Rivervale: Stove, cabinets, curved headboards, halfling items
- Maj'Dul/Shimmering Citadel: Existing tents, rugs, small tables. Please add beds and chairs, decoration pieces
- Draconic: Existing xegonite set, sculptures and tapestries
- Neriak: Dark Elven items, queen's bed
- Estate of Unrest: Existing crib and Jack-in-the-box, Please add all the stuff in the children's room, couches and coffee tables
- Village of Shin: More house items from this area, all of it!
- Death Fist Citadel: More items from inside the walls!
Flooring options
- Turf Grass
- Plains Grass
- Patio Blocks
Holiday Themed
- Animated sweeping broom (pet?)
- Pot of gold and shamrocks
- Pastel colored eggs in basket
- Firework Candle
- Floating pumpkin with evil laughing sound
- New items each year, don't bring back only the old
- Ability to mount masks
- Birthday Cake/slice (Place able)
Kitchen Items
- More kitchen supplies
- China ceramic plate collection
- German tankard set
- Tavern items
- Napkins
- Food items (not necessarily interact-able)
- Bottles, example wine with different vintages
- Glass jars like seen on the pre-made shelves
- Pots
- Spice jars, racks shelves
- More lights, candles and candelabras
- More single candles
- Candelabras that you could put on a table
- Have the cobalt sconces throw a green light / shadow
- More green / purple lighting
- Chandeliers
- Track Lighting
- Ability to turn on and off, and maybe variable settings
- Gnome tinkered clockwork gaslights
- Flood lights that you can aim on a particular area
Furniture and/or Decoration pieces
- Large Crystal Shard (glowing is optional)
- Crystals/glass/gems
- Shield with crossed swords
- Guild heraldry crest
- Chimes (not just bone chime, need variety)
- Flipping "Arcane" book
- Floating animated page
- Floating mystical obelisk artifact (turning, mini slow rising and falling cycle)
- Improved and different (from all else) graphics for rewards
- Fancier graphics for sales containers (something more appropriate for front room or fancy displays)
- Piggy Bank (Access to the Bank)
- Interactive games (for example make the chess game able to be played by players)
- Gnome tinkered clocks
- Microscope
- Telescope
- Carved teeth/tusks
- Hourglasses
- Paperweights
- More mirrors
- More art
- Small objects for the small shelf spaces on some bookshelves.
- Torture and Imprisonment Devices
- Shears (rusty / bloody)
- Thumb screws
- Corpses (of all races, let’s keep this equal opportunity)
- A floor standing cage (a big one)
- Portraits of dissection / torture
- A dissection table, complete with part dissected corpse
- A red hot poker
- Iron Maiden
- More skulls
- Toys, Games and Children’s Items
- A Stuffed Fae! That squeals when *poked*
- More Plushies (for kid's rooms)
- A Toy Boat
- A Ball
- A dolly (other than billy)
- Toy Blocks
- "My Pretty Little Steppes Pony"
- A pool table (billards)
- Kerran doll (we loot them often enough)
- small rocking horse
- Tea set (China set on tray)
- Pet beds
- Pet water dishes
- More detail paintings
- Quested paintings
- Character's portraits, maybe from paperdoll image, with ability to choose prefered model (original or alternate)
- Head - face on
- Head profile
- Upper body
- Full figure
- Sitting, standing, or on horse/carpet
- Racial ancestor portraits
- More paintins for beyond guild level of 30
- Ability to limit pets to one room or control the room a specific pet is allowed to be in
- Fish (and/or shark) tanks (Asked for VERY often!)
- NPCs with appropriate animations
- Cook
- Butler
- Maid
- Guard
- Baby (options: Newborn, crawling, toddler, various races)
- Nanny that follows baby
- More Plants
- Not just flowers
- Hanging plants, wall mounted and ceiling
- Planter boxes - Different heights and sizes, filled with dirt for adding plants to
- Ability to remove or level the dirt in the houses
- Herb bundles
- Ivy garlands for walls and railings
- More, more more!
- Mountable heads of other races for L&L, instead of / as well as the weapon rewards
- Collection displays such as shadow box mounted butterflies, spiders or ants
- More varity/colors
- Green rugs somewhat like Grass
Screens & Barricades
- Fabric screens (dark colored)
- Open cutwork floor screens, such as from Maj'Dul
- Cushion covers
- More designs of chairs with backs similar to the Faydark ones
- Increase the size of the undertakers throne by at least 50%
- Couches
- Fluffy arm chairs
- KoS Winged Chair
- More upholstered stuff
- Pedestal stands
- Bust replicas, such as prominent historical figures (Antonius Bayle, Christanos Thex, Al'Kabor, Queen Amree and so forth)
- Full-stature representations of the same size as the Lucan and Antonia statues, but of other (likely dead) people.
- Religious statuary (representations of deific avatars - manifestations of Innoruuk, Tunare, Quellious, etc., or their symbols)
- Beasts and fantastic creatures (Dragons, griffons, horses, lamias, manticores, basilisks, etc)
- Gratuitous statuary (statue of a succubus or lamia, for example)
- Interesting city and landscape representations - from ANY city in Norrath...including obscure items from, say, Takish'Hiz, Shar Vahl, pre-Shattering Norrathian cities (Neriak, Grobb, Erudin, and so on). The Antonican Claymore for example.
- Relief sculpture for walls
- Table sculptures
- large table in varied shapes'
- Table cloth or runners
Tradeskill Related Items
- Beakers, test tubes & Bubbling vials for Alchemists.
- Stacks of papers, ink stand & Quill Pens for Sages
- Stacks of Firewood (lumber), whittling dust & etc for Woodworkers
- Pails of Coal and hammer/Tongs for Armorers
- Veggies & Fruits, chef hat for Provisioners
- Rolls of Fabric & Spools of Thread for Tailors
- Boxes of Gems for Jewelers
- More archaic lab equipment
- More usable clip boards (I think this means the ability to get quests, not just trigger quests from them?)
Trophies (L&L and HQ type items as well)
- Big game stuffed animal trophy/mounted heads (more than just boar)
- Safari trophies
- Trophies for activities (an Archery Tournament award for winning the In Range-sponsored Qeynos-wide Archery Faire, for example)
- Named mob trophies (Vyemm for example)
- Ability to rotate trophies - to flip the display, or to place diagonally
- Ability to place trophies on tables and shelves
- Doorbell (or item/pop up to announce visitors)
- Signable Guest book
- Message board for messages to and from your guests
- Register house for touring (So you don't go to a list of "tour" with no paid rents)
- House decoration competitions with different categories
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