Thursday, January 8, 2009

What to do..what to do!

I guess now that I've been away from all sorts of online games for awhile, I need to get back into it. (You know like you need a hole in the head!) I quite miss both EQ2 and WoW but here's the kicker, I can either play one or the other, not both. :( I could of course play them both if only my poor video card wasn't stick and EQ2 wasn't such a hog. In order to play Everquest I can't play wow and of course the other way around.
Since my sister plays wow, I think she may have won the bid on that. I love eq2 but, I don't want to go somewhere that I won't have anybody at all to talk to aside from others on the server. I've been away for so long I'm not even sure who still is there. bleh Wow is a strange story being that my own guild had to be given up for the carelessness of myself. Sadly I don't think they wish me to return because I left in a huff. (Longg story!) Ah well. I guess at least I still have my sister. :) We have a small guild to ourselves, I really just want something to do, I miss it. Nobody is realy going to read this so I guess I'm just getting out my feelings. Does anybody even come here? lol Oh well to that too!
*reinstalls wow* Guess that shall have to be the choice, I just hope it's a good one. I know I miss my old guildies, but I only wish they felt the same way.